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What do viewers want from your product demo video?

Written by Jeremy Knight | 11, January, 2018

Four times as many people would rather watch a video explaining the benefits of a product than read about them. So, what better way to share detailed technical information than by making a dazzling product demo video?

Influential product demos explore a typical experience of a buyer's problem, then break down the ways your business could assist them.

Your prospects should learn things from your video marketing that they can’t find during a cursory online search: it’s time to get specific about your commodity and how it thrashes the competition.

Here's how to do it.

Write a script

Viewers want clarity. It would be pretty unwise to turn up on the day of your shoot and try to wing a performance.

Your online audience is time-starved. They appreciate having their questions answered quickly and concisely. Prepare what you would like to say beforehand to help you achieve this.

Write a script in advance and submit it for peer review. After making any suggested amends, rehearse your delivery.

If you can, find somebody to listen that has little-to-no knowledge of your product or service; they will be able to give you honest feedback on how well you come across, and how easy (or not!) you are to understand.

Spoken word differs greatly from traditional copywriting. Running through your script aloud will help you to edit the text for better clarity and a more compact delivery.

Remember, the people viewing your product demo are seeking information at an introductory level. The majority of your audience is likely to be looking at your product for the very first time, and there may be a significant knowledge gap.

A good product demo covers all of the basics. A practise-run can highlight valuable consumer questions or areas you inadvertently skimmed over or misrepresented.

What to include

Run through a small handful of scenarios that will help your prospects visualise using your product. 

Put yourself in your prospect’s shoes. Consider the situation they are in, and the precise dilemma that brought them to your door, then emphasise how your product can help.

As somebody familiar with content marketing tactics, you probably understand the importance of storytelling. So, tap into the emotional journey of previous customers and use their experiences as a framework.

Viewers remember more from you when you incorporate storytelling into your video because stories are 22 times more memorable than facts.

Dip into your user’s story. Relay key features from the user’s perspective, address buyer qualms and highlight the unique benefits of coming to you.

With time permitting, you may also want to speak about some of the unique design decisions you made as you go. Sharing behind-the-scenes information about the development of your product demonstrates a commitment to quality that adds to your credibility, as well as a deep understanding of customer needs.

Things that you have tried and tested might be of interest to potential customers researching your product - especially if those ideas are ones your competitors haven’t yet moved on from.

Keep it short

Keeping an eye on the time helps you focus on which parts of your pitch are critically important.

FAQs compiled by customer support could easily be woven into your demo. Reference these in your video description. It will improve your SEO and make it easier for customers seeking help to get an answer. The added benefit of video is the freedom to replay answers as many times as needed.

It’s good to provide context, but don’t try and pack everything in one video. If, in passing, you mention other products, link them. This will save script space and encourage consumers to perform further research on their own.

Remember the customer clicked ‘play’ to hear more about the product listed. Good product demos are specific, educational and get straight to the point.

Select the right speaker

Sales & marketing team - These speakers might prove useful to those in the manufacturing industry. Your team knows your product (or service) like the back of their hand and understand the pain points of your company’s buyer personas. They are adept at introducing new and complex information without leaving potential buyers feeling lost or overwhelmed.

Founder - For startups or companies with a small but growing customer stream, attention is often focussed on the founders themselves - especially by investors. A product demo video is the perfect platform to show passion for what their business can offer. They are best-placed to communicate precisely how their product is different from competitors. For this reason, SAAS companies might consider using their founder to present their product.

Happy customer - Customers who have high satisfaction and proficiency with your product make great advocates for your business. Your product demo could feature real-life customers demonstrating how and why they turned to you. This type of presentation would lend great credibility to a Professional Services marketing video.

Product demo speakers may benefit from the use of an autocue. It will help them to stay on track and ease some of the nerves of appearing in front of a camera.

Make it visual

To encourage viewers to watch your video in its entirety it’s important you begin with a real hook.

The average human brain can process visuals faster than text; strong visuals will make your content both easy to understand and fun to watch.

54 percent of consumers turn to video to learn how to use a product. It’s one of the best platforms for a ‘show and tell’ exercise. You can explain how to use your product by breaking the process into steps and showing a clear demonstration.

Graphic overlays are a fantastic visual asset that can underscore your instructions.

Remember: the camera doesn’t lie. Make sure your product is a shining example of what your business does - organise quality control for the product you will be featuring and check it thoroughly for imperfections.

End on a high note

For that extra spark, you might want to reveal something unexpected towards the end of the product demo video - a surprise benefit or mention of another helpful product or content piece. As ever, include links and optimised keywords.

Recap key points and include compelling CTAs, just as you would in any other kind of inbound marketing content. Strong call-to-actions are necessary for guiding visitors along the conversion path.

Show viewers what their next steps are and entice them to move forward by using bold colour and action words.

Four in five consumers believe product demo videos are helpful. Keep your users in mind and your product centre stage to connect with both buyer personas and current customers alike.